"Publishing for the Collegial Exchange and Journal has provided international exposure to my research about interns and working with new teachers through collaborative partnerships.
The mentorship I received through this experience helped me to grow as a writer. Publishing allows us to learn from—and support—one another in the educational realm, furthering our reach as an educational community.
- Dr. Michele A. McKie


DKG has a powerful array of publishing opportunities—the Bulletin (journal and magazine formats), the Arts Gallery, and the Leadership Discovery Centre— through which members can share the exceptional talents, knowledge, and experience that are the hallmark of key women educators. Publishing in these venues is a key way that members promote professional and personal growth and excellence in education to make an impact worldwide. DKG publications are the “face” of the Society to the profession and the world at large.

Preparing and issuing a work for public distribution, readership, and consideration—i.e., “publishing”—serves multiple purposes. On the one hand, publishing allows one to inform, inspire, influence, and impact others. Sharing information, research, and creative insights advances the knowledge and perceptions of one’s audience even as it contributes to advancement of the profession as a whole. However, publishing also impacts the author/creator as it allows one to express, explore, evolve, and excel as an individual. The creator hones skills in planning, thinking, and realizing a product: developing an initial idea into a fully realized manuscript or creative work; recognizing and targeting an audience; managing time in the creation; and communicating clearly and concisely through the chosen medium. Furthermore, one who publishes has the opportunity to develop personal attributes such as the ability to accept constructive criticism and confidence in one’s unique voice. Given these multiple impacts, it is not surprising that publishing is often the avenue to professional advancement for those in environments where “publish or perish” is the expectation.

Four powerful avenues for publishing in DKG allow members to share their talents, knowledge, and experience—their three-fold gift to the profession.

The DKG Bulletin: International Journal for Professional Educators

The Journal version of the Bulletin focuses on academic writing and is published three times per year online only.
Deadlines are March 1, May 15, and October 1 annually.
Submissions are blind-reviewed by the Editorial Board.

Categories include:

- Action/Classroom Research
- Quantitative Research
- Qualitative Research
- Mixed Methods Research
- Position Paper
- Review of Literature
- Program Description
- Book Review
- Technology Review

The DKG Bulletin: Collegial Exchange Magazine

The magazine version of the Bulletin focuses on practical and creative writing and is published two times per year, both online and in print mailed to every member.
Deadlines are August 1 and December 15 annually.
Submissions are blind-reviewed by the Editorial Board.

Categories include:

- Classroom Practice/Program
- DKG Chapter/State Organization Practice/Program
- Viewpoint on Current Issue
- Personal Reflection or Anecdote
- Inspirational Piece
- Bio and/or Interview
- Book Review
- Technology Review

The DKG Arts & Humanities Gallery

DKG annually presents members’ creative works in a Spring Art Gallery and a Fall Art Gallery following submission periods of August 15–September 15 and January 15–February 15, respectively.
Entries are reviewed and selected for publication by the Arts & Humanities Jury.

Categories include:

- Visual Art (Photography, Painting/Pastel, Drawing, Crafts, Mixed Media, Sculpture)
- Writing (Poems, Essays, Short Stories)
- Video (Dramatics, Film Making, Dance, One-Act Play)
- Music (Music, Oratory)

The DKG Leadership Discovery Centre

The newest avenue for publishing for members, the Centre encourages members to submit “leadership media” to promote exploration of leadership topics.
The window for submissions is always open, but reviews will be conducted in three timeframes:
August 16–Dec. 15 | Dec. 16–April 15 | April 16–August 15
Submissions are reviewed and selected by the Leadership Discovery Centre Committee.

Categories include:

- Video
- Article
- Training Plan
- PowerPoint
- Book Review
- Other

Left: Bella’s Journey (published work) | Right: Elizabeth Henrikson (Photographer)

Publishing for the Arts and Humanities Gallery has given me a platform to share my creativity with the world. As a novice photographer, I am grateful for the opportunity to showcase how I perceive the stillness and chaos in nature through my lens.
- Elizabeth Henrikson