Write-Read-Write Project
Members of the Alpha Nu Chapter have been involved with their Write-Read-Write annual project for over fifteen years. A sponsoring member with a classroom connection in a local school serves as the liaison between elementary/ middle school students in targeted classroom(s) and the membership of Alpha Nu. Approximately 50 students are encouraged to write a personal letter to one of our members in which they introduce themselves and share information about what kind of books they like to read. In recent years, we have stipulated that the books be in the STEAM realm. These letters are distributed at a chapter meeting. Members shop for an appropriate title, gift wrap it, and return it along with a personal letter response to the liaison at the next chapter meeting. Volunteer members then join the liaison person on a designated delivery day distributing the books to the students. In the event that we have more members willing to purchase books than students participating, books are purchased for the school library and gifted to the librarian. Students then write thank you notes/book reviews on the books they have received. These letters are delivered to the members at the final meeting of the year. This project not only promotes literacy but creates community connections as well.