Books for Kids
The women of Beta Phi Chapter of Illinois have enjoyed a cherished holiday tradition for 20 years! They give new books to local children via their "Book Angel" Project, a community service literacy program. Children who have been classified as culturally, educationally, and/or economically challenged by their school or social service agency are on the receiving end of this activity. Most of them live in homes where books are scarce or non-existent and many of them do not have access to a public library. For the past three years, some books have been given to children who attend a school that does not have a school library! Each book is chosen for a specific child by a team of experienced teachers, based on the request of their sponsoring entity and delivered to them in holiday wrapping by their teacher or sponsor, frequently at a holiday party. Each year this program is financed by a stipend from the chapter treasury, personal donations from chapter members, contributions from local residents, and most importantly generous grants from the Lambda State (Illinois) Foundation for Educational Studies, Inc. To date, more than 5,700 books have been gifted. A Foundation Grant has been received for 2023 so the tradition continues! Chapter members and the kids are most grateful. It is the hope of the Beta Phi women that other chapters might create a program like this that they could include in their chapter activities. It generates smiles on the faces of children and creates a very warm feeling in the hearts of chapter members!